Practising Gratitude #GratitudeCircle

Posted on the 24 November 2016 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

As I write this, I am looking within myself to take stock of how I feel. Here's why: there are happy thoughts, sad thoughts, and worry-thoughts racing through my head.

Why sad?

Unexpected deaths in the family.

Why worry?

Loved ones in hospital.

I won't go into the details, since we are already dealing with these things and one way or other, we'll get to the stage of this-too-shall-pass.

In the meantime, we're reaching into our limitless container of magic potion labeled gratitude to help us get through this. We are focusing on the good stuff, feeling grateful for what is, rather than waste our energy on what isn't.

We are grateful that the loved ones who left us did not suffer, and have left a legacy of love and kindness to remember them with, that we met them recently and spent happy moments with them.

We are grateful that, for the loved ones in hospital, care is available and affordable. And then there's hope, because we believe in miracles.

We're grateful that even though the demonetization drive to fight corruption and clean black money by our PM was inconvenient, in terms of the present currency notes ceasing to be legal tender, we're really better off than millions of people. We use plastic for most of our expenses. What about those who have to stand hours at an ATM, only to be disappointed when they find out it has run out of cash? Or those who never even had the money to begin with? Sigh!

Yesterday, I was a little sad that our son wasn't home to celebrate his birthday-and I don't mind confessing I cried when I saw him on Skype-but I quickly wiped my tears and focused on looking forward to seeing him in ten days, when he'll visit for a short break. My husband was kind-but reminded me that I should be happy that we have technology that lets us talk and see each other as often as we want. Of course I whined that it isn't the same as a real hug. Mommy hearts, you see. Logical, yet illogical.

Oh yes, my head pulled me up-hauled me up, actually, and said, "get real! you know what you should be doing!"


Practising Gratitude


There's enough to feel grateful for, even if there's enough to complain about. And being grateful is a much happier experience than complaining. Okay, after a wee bit of complaining just to vent it all out. But only 10 minutes of kvetching, okay?

So, here is the gratitude practice I use to calm down, that I've adapted from Dr.Rick Hanson. This is in addition to my gratitude journal-I start my day by listing five things in it.

If you need a great side-dish to go with this practice, the portable stress buster is perfect. And with the holiday season upon us, I am thinking this is a great habit to develop, to stay calm.

Practising Gratitude

Here's what to do.

  • Make 15 minutes.
  • Find a comfortable place.
  • Take a few deep breaths.
  • And tweak the following as applicable to you. You'll be pleasantly surprised how many things rush to your head and make you feel fabulous.

Now, let's begin.

I am grateful for my family, my friends. For their wonderful nature, for the things they do for me, for making me feel good, for the happy times. I am grateful for my Mother, the wisdom, the grace, the inspiration and the motivation, when I miss her and feel low. I am grateful for my son, for the joy he brings into my life, for his affection and warm hugs. For the lovely memories of his childhood. For being my "why". For teaching me to be his Mom. For being unique. I appreciate myself, for the things I do, for myself and for others. The cooking, cleaning, conversations, care. For the hours I work, the troubleshooting, the juggling, the patience, the giving. Yup. Self-love. I am grateful for my life partner, for his love, his goodness, for the fun we have, the humor, the company, the support, the understanding, the empathy and the sympathy, for being my friend and for sharing the good and the bad. I am grateful for my neighbors, who are my friends. Their love, the care and affection. The wonderful time we spend together, sharing coffee, stories. I appreciate my life. My childhood, even if it wasn't perfect. I am grateful for friends no longer in my life, and life lessons. Gratitude for my home, the food I have, the things I cherish. My health, my freedom. The air I breathe, the gifts I receive. This planet, the sun, the moon, the stars, the Universe. My being. For everything, both good and bad, in my life. I am grateful for my community, your support and your love. The time you gift me when you visit my blog and read what I write, and share your thoughts. ♥

You can go on, for as long as you want to. Ah, the magic of gratitude!

If you need a quick fix, just grab a sheet of paper and pen, or power up your smartphone screen, and set the timer for 5 minutes. Then list as many things as you can, that you are grateful for. That shall be your prayer.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Join me for November's Gratitude Circle blog hop with your own posts and link up below. The linky will be open for three weeks. Thank you!

Writer, editor, blogger, social media enthusiast. Love DIY, Coffee, Music, Reading, Photography, Family, Friends and Life. Mantra: Happiness is a DIY Project. In my free time I play with my dust bunnies and show my diabetes who's boss. Tweet as @vidyasury