I think that Saturday mornings are quite alright. They are alright because my hubs is at work and I get a few hours to myself. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my hubs, but its nice to just have a quiet morning at home. I can think, reflect, write, blog, read, whatever I want. Sometimes I even take full advantage and pray out loud. Something about prayer. It's powerful and a cleanser for the soul. Prayer doesn't have to be formal, I am still reverent, but I leave the thous and thees to the King James Bible. I just talk to God. I express my thoughts, feelings, desires, complaints, everything.I think I serve a God who understands my very human mind and body, at the same time He summons my very soul. I think I serve a God that is not too big to care about my very small life. You see I don't think being a Christian means I am just as big as God, or that I am in control. I am very aware of the fact that I have no control over this life whatsoever.
I think prayer relieves stress. It's proven by several prominent research studies. You may not pray and that's okay. We may pray to different gods or beings, but the God I serve listens. He listens to my deepest secrets. If you can't be vulnerable with your Creator, who can you be vulnerable with? I encourage you, if you do pray, to try and do it as much as possible. Pray without ceasing. Pray for everything. Pray when it hurts, feels good, makes no sense, scares you, makes you cry, makes you question; just pray. For a long time I felt like I was praying and they stopped at the ceiling, but I think over the past year my faith has been renewed, but its certainly different. It's not blind faith, but faith that sees all that my life could have been and isn't. Maybe you can relate.
Do you have a special time you pray? Do you keep a prayer journal?