Pretty Good Year.

Posted on the 29 December 2012 by Ellacoquine @ellacoquine

Every year around this time when I look back I so desperately want to play Tori Amos' "Pretty Good Year"...but never really can. There was always something that just made the year god awful and painful that it didn't warrant a "pretty good year" stamp of approval.

But not this year... Despite a few bumps that I have learned to quickly smooth out by moving on, this year wasn't just pretty good, it was fantastic. I learned so much and have so much to be grateful for; a new home, new and dynamic friends, a healthy relationship, job security, and enough creative juices pumping through me to light up Las Vegas!
I'm proud of where this year has taken me. Here are some highlights to what made 2012 pretty damn good...
Combined old customs with new ones.

Fell in love in Paris...

...this time with the right guy.
Celebrated three interesting years in France.
Discovered life's sweet little joys... well as where to find great cocktails in Paris.

Learned how to get the French to smile in two seconds or less.
Visited places I once called home. Williamsburg.
Los Angeles.
New York City. 
Long Island.
Le Marais.
Revisited my New York life during
Paris Fashion Week.

Made some new friends.
Shuffled through my "troves of vintage" goodies.

Lived out my mermaid dream.
Got my two seconds of fame via a New Yorker goes to Paris episode of  House Hunter's International.

Voted in my first overseas election. Did some traveling...

Stormed the coasts of Normandy...
caught up with family in Montauk...
...and spent 48 hours in Buenos Aires.
Got "PACs" proposed...
...and then engaged.

To be continued...


Here's to 2013!!