Principles of Life

Posted on the 12 March 2013 by Saikatmbka @saikatmbka
Foundation Of Life
In school we have been taught about the various laws and principles of sciences/commerce.We have all burned the midnight lamp to mug those principles to get good marks in exams, to get admission into good colleges after school and then good jobs there after .We are used to leading life were the rich and the powerful are revered , where good marks correspond to good students and the very notion of being a Good Human is being a Man of Success.Ask your inner self is it right to call a man of success a good human or to revere them ? What about men of principles ?How many of you have laid the very foundation of your life upon certain principles  which like rock solid pillars have supported you ?The very reason that all of us a committing blunders(hurting dearones,getting subjected to depressions, lack of peace , hurting health, failing in relationships etc) on a daily basis is that we have not taken the burden to lay the foundation of our lives upon principles.There so much chaos inside us , but we turn a blind eye , we are either to lazy to address it or too busy with OUR so called LIVES .
I have taken the pain to address this issue once and for all .I have identified five principle upon which I will lay the foundation of my life from now on .I am all but 21 and hope to spend the next 40 years in this planet so i have taken special care to make my foundation rock solid .
Here are the five principle that will make up the foundation of my life:

please enlarge for better view.
I invite you all  infact I request you all to please please take out some time and identify certain principles that you gonna follow always and make them your life's foundation upon which you will build the PALACE called LIFE.
You will get success , everyone is successful at one point of their lives but very few are successful all through their lives the reason is they don't have a strong foundation.FEW GREAT MEN WHO HAD ACTUALLY LEAD TRULY SUCCESSFUL LIVES THROUGHOUT THEIR LIVES ,THEY WERE THE MEN OF PRINCIPLES : MAHAVIRA,BUDDHA,PROPHET MOHAMMED , SWAMI VIVEKANANDA, MOTHER TERESA,GANDHI,KING .