Diaries Magazine

Problogger 2013 Takeaways

Posted on the 19 September 2013 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog
At Tsh Oxenreider's talk on Day 2

At Tsh Oxenreider’s talk on Day 2

Problogger was exactly what I thought it would be like, awesome! I learned so much, met wonderful people and overcame my fears of saying hi to some well known, very established bloggers. As my hubby reminded me, they are just like me, however the only difference is they have done it a bit longer.

I was super lucky to have been able to attend this conference and it would not have happened without winning the 1stAvailable.com.au blogging contest, so thanks again to the lovely team at 1stAvailable for making it all happen. I do attribute a lot of things to luck, maybe I need to adjust my thinking and believe it was skill. At the end of the day I felt blessed and amazed to be attending the event as at the same time last year, I was stomping around upset that I would never attend such event and just having a bad time of it all.

This bad time could be due to kids not listening, feeling like the blog was not going anywhere, but felt that it would be a nice goal to attend one day. I must have put my thoughts out into the universe and the universe rewarded me this year. I did catch myself wanting to pinch myself that I was actually on the Gold Coast and about to hear such vibrant people like Trey Ratcliff, Amy Porterfield, Darren Rouse, Tsh Oxenreider, Clare Bowditch, and Bernadette Jiwa speak.

Have you got mad about something but really you are just jealous or annoyed due to really wanting to go but can’t. Then it finally happens and it seems very surreal. If so I know how you feel?

So what was the conference like? Is it worth it? 

Yes the conference is well worth every cent and effort made to attend. The talks were inspiring, the information was helpful and it opened my brain to do things a little differently on the blog. The QT on the Gold Coast where the conference was held was amazing, it is quirky, and has a 1960′s funky vibe. The food was so yummy, dining at Bazaar was a magical and a relaxing experience. Breakfast was the same, so much to choose from, that said the catering for the conference was wonderful and we even got served by flight attendants from Virgin Australia as they were one of the major sponsors. It did take me a moment to realize why they were there after leaving a very engrossing talk.

Darren and Trey

Darren and Trey

What were the key messages and takeaways?

  • Image is key, make sure that you have an image for everything
  • Facebook is where to market yourself
  • Make sure that you have a good cover image for Facebook that has what you do clearly visible
  • Your profile image should be the same across all your social sites (need to fix up one I think)
  • Focus on telling a story and adding personality into your brand
  • Tsh was very inspiring with ways to brainstorm and think of what to write about. I do have a million and one ideas, however I don’t write them down or remember them all. She was very clear about how to link things and suggested creating a series
  • If they don’t fit your brand, what could you do with the content? Does it belong on another blog or site?
  • Amy was amazing with all the secrets she shared about Facebook marketing, creating Post Page Ads is one thing I did not know about. Will find out more when I go through more notes
  • What personality type are you? Are you a morning person or is it evenings? Figure out how you work best and go with that.
  • Treat the blog as a business from day 1, this way you will be more focused and organize it as such. Writing and organizing time will not be so bad if you do this from the start. I need to do more of this.
  • Trey showed me that looking the world differently is o.k and one key quote he said about his critics is “fight back with awesome”, I am going to do this, but not sure about critics. I will just assume I have none and power along with awesomeness.
  • Darren's Keynote Presentation

    Darren’s Keynote Presentation

    Clare was amazing and showed me that I have so much in my head that I want to be, I just need to follow my calling and go with it. Focus on what makes me happy. So I will do that. I normally have to do things for others, but due to kids and creating a role for myself at home with the blog and soon to be social media manager it is slowly happening. Following my bliss.

  • Don’t give up with your blog. All the speakers at one time or another was going to throw in the towel and they kept at it, success was just around the corner.
  • Excited to be at Problogger
  • IMG_1819
  • YUM sweets!
  • Wobbly dark choc dessert, YUM!
  • These interesting creations are so yummy it is hard to explain. The pill thingy is a squeezy tube that you add over it. It gives it a nice zesty taste.
  • IMG_1836
  • IMG_1837
  • IMG_1866

I now want to go next year. Keen to find out where the conference will be and see if it is possible for 2014.

If you were unable to attend the conference, the virtual ticket is still available, this gives you access to all the talks – audio and presentations that we saw over the 2 days. As said it was great and a lot of information to digest. Over 30 hours of learning that will help your business and grow your blog.

What did you think of the conference if you went? Have you attended via the virtual ticket? Are you going to go next year?

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