Profit for Me: Nothing for You

Posted on the 11 August 2013 by Albert Wagner @albertwagner4
Have you ever heard about a professional baseball player signing a mammoth contract (like over $150 million) and think to yourself, "That just isn't right"?

How did things get that way in America?  Some people have more money than their grandchildren could spend and the majority of people are getting by.  For some people the knowledge of a baseball player make $150 million while there are homeless people asking for change doesn't seem right.  Well, that is what a free market is about.  A recent article released in Huffington Post stated 80% of U.S. adults have faced poverty or unemployment at some point in their lives.

The Spreading Of Wealth In Scripture
As these posts have a spiritual base a logical question is to ask how that coincides with Scripture. Scripture is a  magnificent guide for a more meaningful life.

There are two significant quotes in Acts Of The Apostles that address this topic.  They are:

"and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need"   - Bible, Acts Of The Apostles 2:45
 "and laid them at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto each, according as any one had need."   - Bible, Acts Of The Apostles 4:35
The key word in this passages is "need."  In the example above what does a baseball player with a $150 million contract need?  It could be said, though, that a homeless person asking for money has a need.  (It is understood this is not always the case, but it is a general comparison).
What Is Wrong With Making A Profit?
What is the problem with the American capitalistic society?  In a word the answer is "profit."  The American business system is set up so a people create businesses TO MAKE PROFIT.  (Non-profit companies also exist, but in the long term they must make money or go out of business.)  A free market rewards those who sell their product, regardless of the standards of the product or the need for the product.  Needs are different than wants.  If a person has skills to make a profitable business where did those skills come from?  The answer is, ultimately from God.

So why is the system of profit bad?

  • People are out for themselves and helping others is a by product to make profit.
  • Some people are left out of prosperity.
  • Many questionable and illegal acts are performed to make a profit.
  • When people are left out of prosperity the crime rates sometimes go up.
  • The world has enough resources for all of the people.  How they are distributed is the problem. 

Long before most people knew there was anything even known as "America" the Bible authors instructed people to distribute by need.  The Bible is generally accepted as guidance for human behavior, as the Bible "heroes" were people for believers to follow.  Scripture might not directly have said, "Do not follow capitalism", but the principle is there.

Perhaps Scripture is worth listening to.

This adds meaning to life because:  The American economic system has some inherent flaws if you base it on Biblical teaching.  The Bible instructs to distribute by need, and not by profit.

Please note:  These posts are to bring out facts, and not opinions.  The Bible verses are not against wealth in itself.  The danger is making it a higher priority than God.

Sources: Bible, Acts Of The Apostles; 2:45, 4:35.

For further reading:

The Great Conversation Relating The Classics To Modern Life
Socialism In The Bible
Bible Verses About Sharing Wealth
Author:  Albert Wagner