Project: Help For Bohol

Posted on the 23 October 2013 by Genzelkisses

A heartbreaking event has just occurred recently here in the Philippines. An earthquake with a magnitude strong enough to completely demolish a whole church has struck the city of Bohol.  A lot of people lost their homes, their businesses and worst of all, loved ones who they once cherished life with.

Project: Help For Bohol

I am deeply saddened by this terrible news and I share my sympathies with the affected people of Bohol.  But right now, our sympathies is the least of things that they need from us.  They need immediate HELP.  The people of Bohol are currently left out to sleep on the streets due to fear of aftershocks. They have no access to decent shelter nor access to cooked food.  Hence, we decided to contribute to the people of Bohol.  Tomorrow, i’ll be going to the groceries to buy food for the ones in need.

I am also very proud of my family and my friends for joining  me in this campaign to send a helping hand to the people of Bohol.  For all my readers who would also like to contribute to this campaign, you may send your goods to our direct contact who happens to be our current workmate.

Melinda Masibay

LBC City Square Branch, Tagbilaran City

Our main plan is to be the one to collect your packages and repack but that won’t be possible since me and Yette, we are like north and south miles away.  So, we decided to let you guys send your help directly to Bohol.

Even with just the smallest of contribution can bring a smile to our friends in Bohol.  A can of sardines can already feed a family.  We’re are knocking to your hearts.

You may also send your help to active foundations if you want to.  Let’s all do this together.

***I’ll be updating this post with the goods that my family and I will be sending this weekend.***

Please let us know if you’ve sent anything so we can track and inform our contact there to pick it up and distribute.

Distribution of goods is every Tuesday and Wednesday – our rest day from work.

Thanks a lot guys!  We’ll be showered more in return :)

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