Project Shout

Posted on the 29 September 2015 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

Did you know that Carbon Monoxide poisoning kills 1 person in the UK alone every week?
I didn't, and I was pretty shocked the hear that the figure is so high.
Carbon Monoxide poisoning is a silent killer, as there is no warning smell or taste given and the symptoms experienced are similar to colds and flu and many other everyday ailments so are often mistaken for something else.
The only way to be sure that your home is not affected is by buying and fitting a carbon monoxide alarm.
But what do you do if your alarm goes off?
1)Open all doors and windows immediately to let fresh air inside
2) Turn off all relevant appliances
3) Leave the house
4) Call the emergency number for your energy provider, and do not return the house until the all clear has been given.
5) See your GP or A & E department and advise them that you suspect Carbon Monoxide poisoning, a simple test can determine if you have been affected.
To find out more about Project Shout and the campaign to raise awareness of Carbon Monoxide poisoning please visit their YouTube page for informative videos, or follow them on Twitter for safety tips.
Don't delay, fit a carbon monoxide alarm today to ensure your loved ones are protected.
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