Published by 'The Good Review' - The Gatekeeper @ The Royal Exchange (Manchester)

Posted on the 12 February 2012 by Alison @AlStaples
On Thursday I attended my first ever press night - as a member of the press!
My name was on the list and and I got a bar voucher which I 'spent' on a small glass of Merlot. It was ever so exciting and I felt terribly important as I hunched over my free programme on a squashy sofa, pretending to look like I knew what I was doing.
The play - The Gatekeeper by Chloe Moss - was a world premier! Set in a holiday cottage in the Lake District, we were treated to a total family melt down.  

Published by 'The Good Review' - The Gatekeeper @ The Royal Exchange (Manchester)

The Gatekeeper (as seen on the front of the programme)

It was a portrait of a 'self-made' family from Liverpool trying to Hyacinth  Bu-cket their way up the social ladder, when some scally has laced the rungs with super glue.
Anyway, I loved to play and you can read my full review by clicking this link through to The Good Review web site.
Lots of love - me - now officially a luvvie!