Published on 'The Good Review' - Film Review of Puss in Boots

Posted on the 17 December 2011 by Alison @AlStaples
Published on 'The Good Review' - Film Review of Puss in Boots17th December 2011
So we went to the Trafford Centre to see the film Arthur Christmas (as per my 14th December blog) however I failed to factor in the extra hour it would take to find a parking space and walk from the overflow car park. I should have known better really.
Not to be thwarted, instead we ended up seeing 'Puss in Boots' - the spin off from Shrek.
The film was in 3D. I did take a photo of me in said attractive eye wear, but I looked like far too much of a dick to post it on the world wide web.
Anyway I wrote a review for 'The Good Review' web site and would you know it, they've published it! Have a read, embrace your inner four year old and if you have time, go and see it. 
It's a  cat and he's in boots - what can I say!
Click here to read my review of Puss in Boots - Amigos!