Puking & Tweeting: My Dedication to Kathie Lee & Hoda

Posted on the 02 April 2013 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

Here’s the timeline for you:

Wednesday night: Pick up parents at airport, feel tickle in my throat – that’s not good.

Thursday daytime: Drink lots of tea because of sore throat and start to feel run down.

Thursday night: The mack truck of strep throat hits me and I’m down. Mommy down, folks.

Friday/Sat/Sun: After a trip to urgent care to get antibiotics for flu and strep throat, then having to get a Zpack because original antibiotics made me nauseous, I spent a weekend shaking, sweating, sleeping and basically cursing my body for three days. Don’t fret though, my children had their father, grandparents and a butt-load of candy so I’m pretty sure they just assumed I was at the store the entire time.

HOWEVER, through it all, I squinted my eyes to see my iPhone’s little screen so I could still send the occasional tweets and Facebook posts begging folks for signatures for my Kathie Lee and Hoda petition. A gross side note - I had to make sure no vomit got on the screen during sneak attack puke sessions, a tricky endeavor I might add.

Is that dedication or insanity? I’m not sure. We’re up to 100 signatures. Think that’s enough? No producers have called yet.

Geez, what does a girl have to do to drink some wine at 10 am on tv?? I draw the line at nudity. Not that it’s inappropriate but because this recent sickness didn’t take off those extra pounds I was hoping would be the fringe benefit to puking and sweating for three days.