Pumpking Carving Tradition... Oh and Happy Halloween.

Posted on the 31 October 2011 by Simplybrookes
where does the time go,i ask?

the girls6,8,62004
 one of the many driveway pumpkin carving eventsala the brookes fam
 this was always hubs gig
in keeping with tradition,knew we had to continue the trend.threw out a few invites to the local peepsand low and behold, they showed up. .i know you've heard a lot abouthow great i think our neighborhood is.well, they did not disappoint
we had 7 familieswith a total of 14 kids.it truly was a great timehad by all.
 tons of food,not to  mention a humungo pot of chili,rice, fritos and all the fixin's. now that's fine american cuisine.   hot cider and mint hot chocolate.ooh and the desserts.forget about it.
if you can believe it,5 of the 7 women here have husbands over seas doing big strong military stuff for our country.i know.talk about fellow women with understanding and support.i've got it all.
and here we have our one and only huband representing his kind.scott.  you did a great job as the only one with all the guy duties.my garage is spotless thanks to you.erin, thanks for sharing him.he's a keeper, this one.
 honored to stand among this crowd.truly.
 final pumpkin products
the artists behind them
all in all great night.but i have to say,when i recapped with the girls,all three said it was playing  team man hunt in the hood, afterhours.i love it.
same time next year?who's in?
tell me about your halloween traditions.
as always,