…Put It All Out There

Posted on the 17 April 2019 by Zer @the2women

How we communicate is something that's always fascinated me. That shouldn't be a surprise, as a writer (and human), that's basically my job (and life). In the digital age, communication has become simultaneously straightforward and streamlined and more chaotic and confusing than ever before.

I'm sharing this not because I want to have a group anxiety attack about the modern-day pressure of simply sending a text or starting a conversation. No, I'm using this as an initiation or lead-in to a series that took me by surprise.

An unlikely series caught my attention this tv season. Perhaps unlikely isn't the right word, but it was a bit unexpected. "God Friended Me," seemed at best a show that was built on a gimmick and at worst a show that was going to preach its own self-righteousness for an hour. It is neither.

At its heart, it's about faith, not just the religious variety, but faith in all its forms. Faith in yourself, faith in others, and yes faith in a higher power. Although, that higher power isn't necessarily a deity. In this instance, it's the God Account, a Facebook friend with some ulterior motives.

Right now you might be thinking that I lied to you, but hear me out. Social media is designed to connect people. In some ways, it does, but it also creates a culture of isolation. We seem to share everything, but we're curating an image, putting up a pretty wall and hoping no one will notice that the pictures don't match reality. "God Friended Me" uses social media to break through that wall.

Only in today's world would a show about putting yourself out there feel so radical and necessary. The series is about ignoring the "what ifs," and breaking through those invisible walls. Taking a risk and reaching out to a stranger, or even a friend. The circumstances may change, but the message is always the same. We're all in this together, fighting our own battles, and looking for a way to connect, even if we're not certain how to do it.

Now I know there are a lot of shows out there. Maybe this is too little too late, but I think this one is still worthy of your time. If only to remind you to have a little faith in yourself.

...just for fun: