Self Expression Magazine

Pyrex, Tupperware & Linens: 3 Things to Thrift When Your Stuff’s in Storage

Posted on the 23 September 2013 by Thismumrocks @thismumrocksnz
Vintage retro Pyrex Agee 0-COB-400 orange pea

 Op shops, 2nd hand stores & thrifting can be a lifesaver if you’ve packed most of your worldly possessions into storage.

I’m finding that its the most random stuff I’m missing.

Those items you wouldn’t normally think about.

Like baking dishes or containers for leftovers.

Yes, I do actually USE the pyrex and tupperware I’ve found in my Op Shop posts. I just didn’t realise how much I used/need them in my everyday cooking.

A bit of a packing fail on my part.

Food Storage Containers:

Yellow retro vintage Tupperware leftover stacking servalier

Great for leftovers

Unlike last week, when my visit to the thrift shop was totally frivolous, this most recent visit was to help make the house run just a little bit smoother.

Easiyo small yogurt container 250ml

Good for storing all sorts of lunchbox goodies

Off on a Yogurt Tangent here: It will be great to get back to making yogurt again. (Lord knows where that’s hidden in the container) It’s crazy how much this house consumes in a week.  Homemade yogurt truly is the best.  I always seem to find Easiyo makers & containers at the charity shops,  & its a cheap way to try it out. (just google the instructions & buy the mix from the supermarket)  If you have school/pre-school aged kids, you’d be silly not to make your own.  Get the kids to make it themselves, its so easy, even my 2.5yr old can hack it. (apricot is the household fave)

Extra Linens:

Pink floral pillowcase

Snagged by 2 yr old… a sleeping bag for her “babies”

 The Christchurch City Mission Sydenham shop always seems to have a great linen section.  It’s reasonably priced, and pretty good quality.  

I think they get a lot of their donations from Cashmere, Beckenham, Thorrington & Port Hills Households (older, more “established” neighbourhoods)

Sydney Australia 2000 tourist souvenir tea towl

What, no set of Olympic Rings??

Ok, maybe a little bit of a splurge with the watering can.  
Green watering can

I see a collection starting…

The Storage gig hasn’t been too bad: I did win the wife of the year award, when I “found” the coffee grinder and stovetop coffee maker in the unit :)

Any items you’ve foolishly squirreled away & then found you really need to make your life run smoother?

 Ever feel like you’re in an episode of Storage Wars & hit the jackpot when you find that ???? lurking in the corner of the shipping container?

I’d love you to share your thrifting strategy or your own op shopping experiences in the comments below.  I’m all about sharing the knowledge, but if you’re an Op Shopping Ninja who thrives on a stealth mission, I get and respect that too!

Linking with the lovely hosts of:

Op Shop Show-Off,   The Nifty Thrifty,   Thriftasaurus,  Remnant, Thrift Share Monday, Magpie Monday

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