Quick & Easy Valentines Day Toddler Breakfast!

Posted on the 13 February 2015 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

With Valentines Day upon us tomorrow, those with my own personal organisational skills (resembling those of a monkey) will probably be in a flap right now wondering what to do to mark the occasion!
I realised while out last night that I actually hadn't even bought a card for Jon, let alone anything sweet and Valentines-y to mark the day for Tyne!
Thankfully I realised this while in a supermarket - so three items and less than £5 later I was sorted!
We'll be making this day with the quickest and easiest Valentines Day breakfast ever!
I picked up these super cute heart shaped crumpets from Asda - with some thinly sliced strawberries (choosing the ones that most resembled a heart shape!), a drizzle of honey and a teeny sprinkling of sugar on I then popped them under the grill for a few minutes and voila!
Sweet, simple and seasonal!
I think this is such a cute little Valentines Day treat for toddlers, but it works equally well as a little breakfast in bed surprise for your partner too - those of us with Joint accounts can find it pretty difficult to buy treats for these occasions as retailers showing up on bank statements can be a giveaway where surprises are concerned - but something like this purchased from the supermarket can easily slip under the radar!

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