Quotes of the Day

Posted on the 11 June 2012 by Lucky @imlosingitorg

Today’s great pic is from Laugh it’s Free (Facebook).  Life is funny in that we never know when or where we will be given pop quizzes that will test what we have learned and make up grow in ways we never imagined we could.

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. Galileo Galilei

 The magical coffee fairies strike again!  Would love to get coffee like this!

In every moment of every day we should tell those we love how special they are and that we love them.  Regret is such an anchor.  If you feel that you have missed that opportunity it is never to late.  Sit very still in a quite room and address them (your departed loved one).  Tell them all the things that you wished you had said.  It is very healing and will give you closer.  I find it really comforting to know that our loved ones never leave us.  I don’t mind hearing them or feeling them around me but the seeing and feeling them sit next to me kind of freaks me out still.  Spirits I am told want to be acknowledged and welcomed.  So I like to make a point of saying I am going out but you are welcome to stay.  Today’s quotes come from some of my favorite sites Jokes, Funny, laughs and Quotes (Facebook), Wings of your Soul (Facebook) and Incredible photo’s (Facebook).  They are must check out sites once you do you will be addicted like I am.  Check them out I know you will love them.


You are all magnificant Spirits!  Let the World see how bright you shine today!
