Quotes of the Day

Posted on the 15 June 2012 by Lucky @imlosingitorg

I love that no matter how old you are there is always something new to learn.  The only thing better is to share my finds with all of you.  Part of our growth as humans is our ability to share and exchange information and ideas.  Our whole move to higher  consciousness is depended on this ability without new info or ideas we become stagnant.  That is why it is so important to remember that part of moving forward is being open to new ideas.  Don’t let the past be your anchor and your prison.  Letting go of our past does not mean forgetting it just putting a period to it and moving on.  Today’s quotes come from pretty amazing sites that I love on Facebook: Jokes, Funny, laughs and Quotes,  Edzzzy Quotes, Maxine, Laugh it’s Free, Rumi, Global Healing Exchange, Did you Know, Karma Experiment – Pay it Forward, Wings of Your Soul, It’s So ‘Dumb and Stupid’ -Its Funny, Love Quotes and Sayings and My Attitude – My Life – My Rules.  All amazing and all worth checking out.  There is just something magical about finding a quote that inspire, heals and sometimes just makes you smile.

Quotes of the day

Woman came from man’s rib. Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be superior. But from his side to be equal, under his arm to be protected, and close to his heart to be loved.

 Photo: Woman came from man's rib. Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be superior. But from his side to be equal, under his arm to be protected, and close to his heart to be loved.

Photo: The price of gas is ridiculous.  Unfortunately, the price of hiring men to carry me around on a throne is ridiculous, too.

I am still trying to work the numbers to have men carry me around! LOL 


https://www.facebook.com/TheKarmaExperiment" /><3

https://www.facebook.com/TheKarmaExperiment" title="Quotes of the day" /><3

https://www.facebook.com/TheKarmaExperiment" class="aligncenter" />
<p>https://www.facebook.com/TheKarmaExperiment" width="403" height="403" />



I’ve come all this way eager for you, without shoes or shawl. I want you to laugh, to kill all your worries. to love you, to nourish you. Oh sweet bitterness, … I will soothe you and heal you. I will bring you roses. I too have been covered with thorns.

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Two important compounds found in cherries, quercetin and ellagic acid,  have been found to inhibit tumor growth and even cause the cancer cells  to commit suicide without hurting healthy cells.



Wow I could go on all night because the selection was just awesome!  I know that there is something here for everyone.  Some times the sign you are looking for is right in front of you.  Stay positive, focused and moving forward!  Once you flex your muscle and embrace change you will wonder why you were ever afraid of it in the first place.  Nothing is hard once you do it.

You are so Amazing let your inner light shine through for all the World to see!
