This great quote was given to me years a go from my friend Howard who has sadly passed since than. I miss you all so much and so the theme today is love for all my friends out there that love to love. If you have it, need it or want it there is something here for everyone. My quotes are from some really amazing sites life love quotes and sayings, Did You Know?, Jokes, Funny, laughs and quotes, Luxury Experience, Knowledge is Power, Have you had your daily dose of smiles today?, My Attitude-My Rules-My Life and Rumi.
I wish I was a Penquin! Simply sweet love!
Your body is away from me But there is a window open from my heart to yours.
From this window, like the moon I keep sending news secretly. Rumi
I love this saying it is so simple and true. Love does not know race, class or age.
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When it comes to love never settle for second best always hold out for that one true love that tugs not at your heart but at your Soul.
Have a safe and love filled weekend everyone!