Rainy Day Home Sick & a Cupcake In a Jar

Posted on the 10 February 2012 by Cantuccfd @cantuCCFD

I don't know if the cold, wetness that is going on right now at my place is able to make its way through this picture and into your cozy home via the magic of the internet, but it is one dreary day outside. I don't usually mind the rain actually, but today not only is it dreary, but on top of everything i'm sick. Frustratingly, head coldy, blowing my nose every 5 minutesy sick.
On a bright note, my friend Brandi in Kansas City is sending me a Guinness cupcake she made in a jar.
Sure, we've all asked ourselves hundreds of times in life, "How do i send someone a cupcake through the mail?". Between that and "What's it like to kiss a real life girl?" you'd have my top two most googled questions of all time. Well last night, after a series of tweets where Brandi was sharing with me her baking skills using Guinness, our friend TB chimed in with this website she found and bing-bang-boom we go from a simple picture of Brandi baking cupcakes to 'Operation Send Eric A Cupcake In A Jar' which i'm happy to say is now complete.
It's currently en route, travelling through the rain and through the cold, with my house being it's ultimate destination and just thinking about that makes me feel better ;)
Thanks Brandi and TB.
the innocent first tweet of baking cupcakes using the nectar of the Gods that is Guinness
that ultimately became...
the internet is awesome sometimes.