…Raise The Flags

Posted on the 27 May 2012 by Zer @the2women

Well, Memorial Day Weekend is in full swing and 2WC is geared up and busy, but we can’t let the holiday get away without a moment of gratitude…and judgement…because someone has to.

So, today we jointly present a tale of shame from the heartland:

A Veterans of Foreign Wars, Memorial Day weekend tradition in Lawrence, Kansas – the ‘Avenue of Flags’ will not be happening this year, seeing as there will be no flag poles from which to proudly display these touching tributes to our nation’s heroes.

The 300-plus, 20-foot-long metal flag poles went missing sometime after February, and it’s assumed were sold for scrap metal.

It kind of makes you wonder just what circle of hell is reserved for those who steal from veterans.  In honor of this great atrocity, 2WC would like to share our thoughts with these thieves, whomever and wherever they may be:

Zer: Really? This seemed like a good idea? Stealing in general is wrong, but from a memorial run by veterans, that’s a whole new kind of wrong.  Were the orphanages and blind puppy humane societies locked up too tight that day?  Shame on you.

Stephanie: Say hi to the non-apologetic theater latecomers (you know who you are), people who text at movies, and puppy kickers when you reach your eternal fiery pit will you?  I can only assume that you were incredibly desperate and that the proceeds went help the blind, starving, orphaned children of the world.  Shame.

Hope you enjoyed this nod to our troops and a wag of the finger of justice (2WC style) at those who would thoughtlessly insult their sacrifice.  Don’t worry we’ll have more patriotism tomorrow.  Have a great holiday weekend…be safe.


“Thieves Steal Trailer of Flag Poles from VFW”: Fox19

…just for fun