Random Scribblings #6

Posted on the 20 September 2012 by Kittyfairy @KittyFairy

Inspiration: I won this in a Giveaway run by Jade Boylan (check out her amazing artwork), and this watch/necklace has the most beautiful tick that I just fell in love with, so this random scribblings is inspired by the thoughts that the sound of the watch conjured up for me.
Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. The clock sits on the edge of the large oak desk that is virtually swamped in paperwork. Maps, atlas', books about adventure, exploration and excitement. The walls are high, full of row after row of big books with exotic authors and incredible titles. They shelves are so high that there is a tall wooden ladder on rails to reach them. Along the far wall is the most magnificent spiral stair case that I have ever seen, leading up to another level filled with even more bookshelves.
Only a short piece today, but it got me writing, so I'm happy :)
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