Random Thursday: Fave Things To Do When Home Alone...

Posted on the 29 November 2013 by Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books

This week's topic is right on schedule. Lin, Katrin and I have a seasonal RT for you. We want to know: I love me some "me" time.  As an only child, I grew up spoiled by my ability to be alone as much as I wanted. And as a bit of an introvert, I had no trouble amusing myself. These days I generally prefer to hang out with my guy, but I still spend a lot of time in another room doing my own thing. And if left to my own devices for an entire evening, there's lots to keep me busy! Here are a few of my fave passtimes:1. Reading for as long as I want, totally uninterrupted.Ah, Matilda. Is there any greater kindred spirit for book lovers? 2. Taking  a nice long bath.Ah, the relaxation. Now go away and leave me to my romantic tub. 3. Eating irresponsible food for dinner.Om nom nom nom nom. 
4. Dancing. 

I'd like to think I pull off the sexy Torres dancing, but I'm probably a bit more Hugh.
5. Watching cheesy movies.

I don't think there's any girl from the '80s who doesn't have at least a little crush on Lloyd Dobler aka John Cusack. He really screwed over all other men ever. No one will ever live up.
6. Doing girly stuff.No matter how close you are with your significant other, sometimes you just need to spend some "personal" time. And if you're home alone, you can do it in front of the TV. Which is much more enjoyable. 
7. Burrowing.

After all the dancing and primping and crying in front of the TV, a girl needs to curl up in a comfy duvet and hide from the world. It's only natural. 
What do you look forward to when you have the night to yourself?