Random Thursday: My Dream Home...

Posted on the 16 May 2013 by Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books

 Random Thursday o'clock with Lin, Meg and I! This week's topic is all new and hopefully will get those creative juices flowing!
So I'll come clean. Along with not really giving a crap about fashion and style, I'm not one for fancying up the ole abode. I like it to be lived in, clean (though probably not tidy) and... well, to feel like me.
I don't spend a ton on furniture, I don't match stuff and most of my furniture is hand-me-down. But one thing I do love is books. I am inspired by libraries and most of the time when I think about my perfect house, I'm imagining a porch with comfy reading chairs, reading nooks, a window seat to sit and read when it's raining, a fireplace with cosy armchairs. And bookshelves. Lots of bookshelves. So here are some pics that made me daydream.
What an amazing use of space. Plus when you look at the ceiling to daydream, you've got a good view!
I would have killed for this when I was a kid.
If I acquire any more books, I'm gonna need to do this to the stairs!
I love how organized and tidy and cosy this place looks. My home will NEVER look that good. It's like grown up 'n' shit.
If I had this reading nook I'd probably give up watching TV entirely.
So we don't get a LOT of summer days here, but for the ones we do get... this would be perfect.
I love how it's messy.... but in a really good, homey way.
Whereas this is way more stylish than I could ever aspire to.
I wish I could step into this picture, curl up in that chair, and spend days there reading one book after another. 
I love houses that have kind of "hidden" nooks to curl up in.
Possibly the coolest chair ever. I'd pile pillows until you couldn't even see me in there.
That's probably enough bookish home decor for all of you, so I'll stop. Though I could totally keep going. Now it's your turn to share your dream home with us! Link up: