Self Expression Magazine

Random Thursday: Pet Peeves

Posted on the 14 March 2013 by Sara Maurer @smaurer18
I've missed this link-up the past few weeks, but today's topic is pretty spectacular, so I jumped right on it.
Today I'm joining Lin, Em and Meg for....
Random Thursday: Pet Peeves
Today's topic is all about.....
Random Thursday: Pet Peeves
Let's get it started, shall we?
Talking during the movie AND the previews-- I am one of those odd ducks that enjoys not only the movie, but the previews before the movie as well.  When people talk through both, it takes all of my strength and dignity to refrain from shoving their face in their popcorn tub.
Hovering-- If you want something, don't hover behind me and look over my shoulder.  Come around to the front so I can see your face.
When people don't respond to texts-- I completely understand getting busy and simply forgetting to return a text once in awhile.  But, when this happens all of the time with the same person/people, it gets a little irritating.
Baby talk-- I get it.  Babies are cute.  I dig babies.  I've had a baby.  However, I didn't talk to him in that cutesy schmootsy voice/tone with the fake know what I'm talking about, right?  I don't even know how to type it out....haha.
Frequent weather changes-- I know I have no control over this one, but how annoying is it that one day it may be 60 degrees, and the next day it is a whopping 30 degrees.  Then it's this whole vicious cycle of the weather playing with our minds.  The weather is such a bitch.
Telemarketers-- No, folks, sorry, I don't want to talk about that credit card I don't have that will just change my life, nor will I be giving you any of my personal info over the phone.  Nice try, though.
Gas prices-- Gah, so expensive.  I wince when I fill up my vehicle. 
Bad grammar-- I am not perfect with grammar by any means, but, I do know the difference between your/you're/its/it's/were/we're/etc....
I feel like a big fat whiny pants right now, so I think that's where I'll end this pet peeve rant. 
Good day to you all. :-)

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