Diaries Magazine

Random Thursday: Pet Peeves...

Posted on the 14 March 2013 by Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books
Random Thursday: Pet Peeves...
Okay, so this week's Random Thursday with Lin, Meg and myself plays right into my wheelhouse. I'm excited, so let's get started:
Random Thursday: Pet Peeves...
1. People who don't take their backpacks off on the bus
2. Running out of beer
3. People being treated unfairly
4. The alarm clock going off when it's still dark
5. People who say "YOLO"
6. Lady Gaga
7. Girls who say "like" like every second word
8. Pancake foundation
9. When Starbucks burns my coffee
10. Willful ignorance
11. People who smoke in the bus lineup so you have to either lose your spot or get cancer
12. People who mix up words that sound or look similar, but are in fact totally different. For example "you're" and "your," "then" and "than," or "they're," "their" and "there." It's not rocket science, guys. If you need help go here.
Oh and so many THOUSANDS more. But I'll stop there before I go on a War & Peace-length rant. Now it's your turn. What makes you stabby?

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