First of all, sorry this is late. I fell asleep watching TV last like like a senior citizen. Anyway, here's this week's topic from Lin, Meg and myself:

I don't really have any ridiculous fears. Mine are all totally valid. Like twin girls with blonde ringlets. Who wouldn't be terrified? But I suppose there are one or two that a few of you might not share. So here they are. My totally legit phobias, in no particular order.
1. Running out of things if they get discontinued

I know, I know. If something gets discontinued, I'll just find something else. But if I really love something, I just can't leave it to chance. I've been known to buy three or four of a product I LOVE - particularly if it's limited edition. And no, that picture is not my own collection. Mine's much, much bigger.
2. Clowns

Come on. They're completely freaky. So freaky, in fact, that I can't bring myself to put a picture of a real one. So this is all you get.
3. Serial killers hiding in my closets or behind the shower curtain

Okay, you're up. What makes you jump out of your skin?