Random Thursday: Top 3 Books Turned Movies...

Posted on the 28 March 2013 by Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books

Time for another awesome random thursday topic with Lin, Meg and myself! Even better since here in Canada it's an extra-long, four-day weekend, so Thursday is basically Friday.  I'm pretty stoked about that. Anyway, let's get on with it, shall we?

I love to read. I also love movies. So this is a pretty great topic, and it's going to be hard to pick three! I sense a bonus answer.... or ten.....
1. The Hobbit

This one surprises me. And I know I've only seen one so far. But I really enjoyed it, and I can't wait for the next one. I love LOTR, and I thought the movies were excellent, but I find the books and movies exhausting. They're just so serious. I like that The Hobbit still has danger, adventure, evil, triumph... but not on quite such a huge scale. I know everyone was dumping on the first Hobbit movie, but I gotta say - I loved it.
2. Bridget Jones (the first one)
I've always had a soft spot for Bridget. I first read the book way back before anyone had heard of it. I'm quite voyeuristic and have a fascination with diaries and journals which started when I read Anne Frank's Diary. I kept journals from the time I was about 11 and this fascination is probably largely responsible for me taking up blogging. Anyway, I used to read any journal or diary based book I could get my hands on. I picked up Bridget in Heathrow airport on the way back home from a trip to the UK and devoured the entire thing during the flight. So not only is the book one of my favourites, but has so much nostalgia for me. Years later when I heard they were making it into a movie I was quite apprehensive, worrying that they'd ruin it. But they didn't, and it has since become one of my favourites.  I'm not such a big fan of the second one. I hear they might be making a third, though, so hopefully that one will be better!
3. The Hunger Games

I enjoy the story of these books, but the books themselves.... okay, so spoiler alert before this next bit. The books weren't quite up to par for me. They started off well, the story had so much promise, but by the end of the book I felt like she ran out of words in a set word count and instead of going back and shortening the meandering early chapters, she just had Katniss take a nap for the most important bit of the story. Three. Times. In. A. Row. You cannot imagine my annoyance. So, I liked the movie better.
Here's the bonus: Fight Club.

I've honestly never been able to make it through the book, so I honestly can't compare. But I LOVE the movie; it's one of my faves.
So there you have it! Now it's your turn. Which movies didn't let down your favorite books? Share, share, share!