Random Thursday: TV Shows I Wish Were Never Cancelled

Posted on the 15 August 2013 by Sara Maurer @smaurer18
you're meaghan me crazyIt's been awhile since I've linked up with these lovely ladies for Random Thursday, and I figured there's no better time than the present to jump right back into it.
Today's post is all about TV shows I wish were never cancelled, and there a shit-ton I wish were still around.
Random Thursday: TV Shows I Wish Were Never Cancelledvia
'Friends' is one of the best shows...like ever.  Seriously, I can watch it over, and over, and over, and NEVER get sick of a single episode.  I wish they would do a reunion special!
 Random Thursday: TV Shows I Wish Were Never Cancelledvia
This show, by far, is my favorite show EVER, and I was so incredibly peeved off and sad when it ended.  I was totally 'Team Pacey' and was over the moon when Joey picked him!  If you don't speak fluent 'Dawson', then you have zero idea of what I'm talking about....just trust that this show is amazeballs!  A reunion special would be fantastic!!
Random Thursday: TV Shows I Wish Were Never Cancelledvia
Gilmore Girls is one of those shows that you either love or tolerate.  I don't think anyone could ever truly hate this show.  There is too much hilarious banter, so there's no room for hating it.  I am one of those people that looooooves this show!  The series finale felt rushed, so, I don't think I really came to terms with the fact that it actually ended.  Reunion special, please?!
Seriously, why aren't there more reunion specials?! 
Happy Thursday, peeps.  Take it easy on this fine, fine day. ;-)