Diaries Magazine

Random Thursday: Worst Thing I've Ever Eaten and I Started Blogging Because...

Posted on the 20 March 2014 by Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books
Random Thursday: Worst Thing I've Ever Eaten and I Started Blogging Because...Sorry for missing last week, but I had a major event on the weekend, and didn't have time for much else! Lin, Katrin and I have a great topic for you this week:
Random Thursday: Worst Thing I've Ever Eaten and I Started Blogging Because...
Hmmm. I'm a really picky eater so there are all sorts of things that I find gross that everyone else things is delicious. Like chopped scallop sushi rolls. Okra. Shark fin soup. Yup, those are my grossest foods ever. Oh, and goat cheese. HATE goat cheese.
Random Thursday: Worst Thing I've Ever Eaten and I Started Blogging Because...
I figure I owe you guys one! This is the topic I missed last week, so this week's a two-fer. I like this topic, even though I honestly barely remember! I think I started blogging because I was curious. I wanted to learn how blog platforms worked. I also wanted a way to share and record the cool stuff I found around the internet. I've always kept journals, but these days I find so many cool pics, gifs, videos and sites online that don't translate to traditional journaling. I guess I figured blogging was a way of incorporating new media in my recordings. 
And it kind of just grew from there. I discovered that blogging is a great way to create a sense of community - something I've found to be a real challenge. Since I'm done school it's harder to meet like-minded folk, and my friends have a tendency to travel. I miss having a group of people I not only share my life with and see regularly, but actually trust. Odd as it may seem, considering I haven't met most of you, blogging has given me that. Lin, who is now my best friend, I met through this very blog. Katrin and Martha, both of whom I count among my friends (though I've been really crappy about emailing and commenting lately - sorry guys! I promise I'll be better!) I also met through this blog. My book blog has led me to a great Twitter community of book lovers and I have so much fun interacting with them. So while my original aims still hold true, I found another, more important purpose for blogging. 
Anyway, there's the last two weeks for ya! Sorry again for being less than reliable lately! I swear it's just work, I still love you guys!

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