…rattle on

Posted on the 23 January 2012 by Zer @the2women


Who doesn’t like a little gossip?  Idle chatter is the guilty pleasure of conversation.  Of course it comes with a (rather obvious) price–guilt.

If only we could discuss the affairs of others behind their back without the inevitable regret.  If only someone could find a way to justify this.

Well, I don’t know if you heard, but word around University of California, Berkley is that gossip is actually good for you.  It’s cathartic, and maintains the social order.  That doesn’t sound nearly as selfish and horrible as it is.

I don’t know how good it is for what’s her name that you’re spreading salacious possible lies about, but it’ll make you feel really good to get those rumors off your chest.

Findings also suggest, or so I hear, that assuming the gossip is true and needs to be exposed for the betterment of all, there’s no reason to feel bad about it.  Because isn’t that what most gossip is?  Factual accounts of scandal which need to be exposed in order to allow justice to take its course.

I thought so.

So next time you feel like chit-chatting about someone, remember, it’s good for you.

Don’t worry about what’s her name, she’ll get over it, or get even, but I’m sure there’s no study on the benefits of revenge…yet.


“Gossiping may be good for you, study says”: USA Today

…bi-daily smile…
