RAW Hair Color Review--Peacock Blue

Posted on the 06 August 2014 by Jillofalltrades @JillDeTrabajos
You guys know I do crazy colors in my hair, usually blue (I must like getting glares from old white ladies in public).

That's why Stick Figure Jill always has blue hair!  The more you know!

Last time I did RAW brand Twisted Teal, but I did it over a patchy bleach job so after it faded it looked like this:

...which was okay, for a super-faded blue, but I felt a little like a walking piece of kelp.  It was time to both change up the color and get a cut!
So after I got a cut I went to Hot Topic and got RAW Peacock Blue ($12.99 in store and on Amazon).  It turned out super vivid and a gorgeous shade:

I like RAW because it's vegan/cruelty-free, comes in great colors (and fades into nice colors), lasts a long time and is super gentle on your hair.
Honestly my hair felt like it had gone through a deep conditioning after I washed this shit out.  I'm not even kidding.  Of course I had to scrub the bejeezus out of my shower afterward, but WORTH IT.

I'll update y'all on how long this particular color lasts, but I can say that the Twisted Teal lasted a solid 6 weeks before it started fading, and it was nearly 3 months before I started feeling like it had faded to a crappy-looking level (kelp level).  That's pretty impressive for a demi-permanent dye, and it's like 3 times longer than my much-more-expensive Pravana Vivid Blue dye job survived last summer:

Worse than kelp.  What's worse than kelp?  Someone find me an uglier plant to use for this joke.

I highly recommend it!  So far it's the best brand I've used!
What do you guys use to dye your hair, and what colors do you use?