
Posted on the 29 November 2011 by Zer @the2women

With Black Friday come and gone, and the dust from Cyber Monday starting to settle, it’s time to start looking forward to what the hottest gifts for next year’s Christmas will be.

As any pepper spray toting super-shopper will tell you; it’s never to early to start planning for next year.

So, what will be flying off thee shelves a year from now?

If the new version of Kinect lives up to its wildly speculative hype, then you might find yourself taking a waffle iron in the face on its behalf.

The next incarnation of Microsoft’s Kinect motion-sensing gaming platform is rumored to be so advanced that it can read lips and sense your mood.

That could be bad news for all you angry fans of “Dance, Dance Revolution.” Kinect 2 probably won’t appreciate your unkind remarks.

No word yet on how it uses this newly acquired information, but I wouldn’t leave it alone for too long with your new iPhone.

You don’t want those two swapping stories.

The good news is you have a year to prepare. Remember, Kinect likes happy faces.

More on the Story: The Register

…just for fun: