Diaries Magazine

Reaching Out..

Posted on the 16 July 2013 by Klnelms @klanelms
If you've followed Keeping Up With Kayla for any length of time, then you know I recently jumped on board the wagon of getting Mississippi Women Bloggers Network up and going.   I wrote a post promoting it back a few months ago, but today I want to give another shout-out to all my fellow Mississippi women.
We want YOU involved.  If you live in Mississippi and blog then please come on over to our website and join.  It's Free!!! We have had a great turn-out so far, but want to be sure that we reach out to as many Mississippi women bloggers as we can.  If you know someone who hasn't heard of this webite yet, but would be a fit, please send them our way. 
Mississippi Women Bloggers
Currently we work off this schedule:
Sunday: Sunday Dose of Hospitality link-up
Monday- Blogger of the Month guest posts.
Tuesday- Tech Tuesday
Wednesday- Wordless Wednesday
Thursday- Guest Post Submissions
Friday- Foodie Friday
These are fun, interactive, posts that can lead you some new blogs to read and find new friends.  We are having a great time with MSWB so far and are looking forward to the next level of things to come.  Starting in August, there will be some additional fun things coming your way so be sure and stay tuned for that. 
Please, come on over to Mississippi Women Bloggers and check us out!  We would love to hear from you!  All suggestions are welcome! 
Reaching Out..

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