Reading Comprehension

Posted on the 21 February 2016 by Aritrasen

RC RC RC!!! :D

Well all of you are haunted by the term RC. Now it doesn’t take an expert to solve them –trust me- it is just like any other DI set , only hatke. :3 Employing some unorthodox techniques can help you in the long run. And most of these techniques aren’t that hard to gulp down, so read on:-
1) First, remove the fear that RCs are negative marks accumulators. Having said that the first mocks will make you hang your heads but it happens to the best of us so don't lose hope.
2) Read two editorials per day from and the newspaper Hindu. Download the apps- the guardian, hindu, knappily, newsbytes. It will help you not only with your RC's but also with your GK.
3) Try and read novels-good old classics should help.( We will be providing a list later on. Don't you worry. Chillax ;) )
Now the RC bit
1) If you don’t like the initial line of the RC don’t proceed then, solve it at the very end if you have time or leave it completely. This liking is similar to the feeling you get when you choose your girlfriend over another girl. Jokes apart, this is important. ( LOLMAX )
2) When you are reading your RC, stop looking at the clock, read slowly but steadily. If verbal is your weaker section then you must attempt 3Rcs to the bare minimum, so yes you have time. If you complete the other questions and have 35 min left for your RCs then you can knock off four of them completely.So don’t panic. It will require practice.
3) Don’t look here are there. Read it at a stretch and slowly. Put two fingers in your ears and read if possible but get the facts in your head.
4) After reading the entire passage summarize the gist in your head for about 30sec and then proceed to the other questions.
5) Read the question-each question at-least two times if not thrice. Try to understand what is being asked and get to the part of the passage from where the question loiters about. Read that part again. Don’t worry about the time. Two options shall be damn close. If you have clicked the obvious then stare at the screen and contradict yourself. If you can’t convince yourself to change the response click on that. Over time your pace increases. Don't try to be Usain Bolt at the very first race :3
6) Treat RCs as the father of critical reasoning questions. We aren’t afraid of ghosts, we are afraid of the dark. So change the term!!! Call the RCs ” Long CRs” It works. :D
7) If you have no idea regarding an answer even after following all the other steps, leave that question. -1 se behataar zero hain yaar. :P
Philosophy blogs:-BLOGMETRICS
8) For those who are lacking the appetite to solve RCs i suggest you to practice from If you are really poor at solving RCs I suggest you to take 12min per rc and solve two of them correctly. matlab 7*3=21 is better than 6*3-7=11, if you get what I mean.

9) Last but not the least, as the saying goes : ” Shop till you drop. ” Practise till you literally drop. RCs are like DI , only a bit complex. They aren’t as straightforward as DIs and ajke din me sabhi googly hi daalte hain. So we should all get used to it :3
10) Always read the passage first and then answer the questions. But if you see that only 4 or 3 minutes are left and you have nothing else to do. Go look for the other passages and skim for direct factual questions like :” What does the author say when he meant this word? ” or ” What was the reason behind this” or “meaning of word”. Such questions you can solve easily if you find the part of the passage from where it is taken. Skim through the passage fast. The idea is to hold on to your nerves. Again nahi hua toh thik hain lekin -1 nahi chahiye. If you find out the part and if you are absolutely sure, then mark it. This is the only time when you should read the question first and the passage later
More such articles to come!!! And calm down, don't rush. Sab bhala hoga apka. Have confidence and phod phad do. There will be ups and downs but don't quit.