Real Vs. Steal: I Didn’t Steal Your Boyfriend… Jeans

Posted on the 18 October 2013 by Katie @thefashionbite

I’m not much of a jeans person. My typical ‘uniform’ typically consists of leggings or tights, an oversized vintage band tee, some cute ankle booties, tons of bracelets and rings, and if I’m feeling frisky, a flowy shawl or kimono. [This one's my all time fav... you can pick it up here.]

However, lately I have been living in my skinny boyfriend jeans [I mean, sometimes the best kind of boyfriend is a denim one]. These jeans are comfy and casual, go with everything, and are the perfect balance between practical and on trend. I like to pair mine with a simple tee, ankle boots [these little loves by Ecote are some of my favs], or a cute pair of loafers. [Buyer beware... please don't pair your BF jeans with flip flops, tennis shoes, or knee boots. You won't look effortlessly chic, you'll just look like a Frumpy Mc Frumpster in baggy pants!] As with most things in life, it’s all about the shoes… so keep ‘em femme to balance out the pants.

Pretty much every company under the sun has their own take on the boyfriend jean. Spending $200+ on a pair of jeans is so ten years ago. I used to do this all the time in college because being preppy and blending in was all the rage, but ya know what… screw normalcy. I absolutely cringe at the way I used to dress because it was sooooo not me, and it showed. [A pricey pair of Sevens, Jack Purcells, and a button up. Ick. So cute on some peeps... but I'm not one of them.] I say be yourself. If you feel just as cute and comfortable in a $20 pair of jeans as you do in a $200 then  go for it. Think about all of the other cool shiz you can get with the money you saved. Saving money doesn’t always mean sacrificing quality… sometimes it just means being smart! Plus some people [not mentioning any names here... ahem... {ME}] may or may not have a shopping addiction [obvi], so if spending less = shopping more you can count me in. Like I said here… if I’m going to splurge, it’s gonna be on wine and handbags ;)

Anyhooooo… here is a super cute pair of AG ‘Tomboy’ jeans as seen on the likes of Katie Holmes, Jessica Alba, and Rachel Bilson. They’re adorbs… they’ll also run you $228 smackers. And here is my pick for a just as cute pair at a fraction of the price.

So… what do you think. Would you splurge on the real or save with the steal?

P.S. My babe Fashionlush and I looooove going into H&M and dropping $$$$$ like it’s our job [I mean... it kind of is]. H&M finally has an online store. This is soooo bad for my bank account… but great for my soul [and the economy]!!