This I shall call...
Let's start with the hot mess that is Teen Mom 2.
I feel a little like Dr. Drew here, but I have to be honest. About 99.9% of the time, I have no idea what these girls are thinking. First of all, they're teen moms so it should be understood that they don't make the wisest decisions when it comes to birth control, but I am starting to think that the rest of their lives reflects that as well. Now, stay with me for a minute. I know most of you are thinking, serisously, who cares? But, with my educational background and my STRONG desire to just want to shake teenage girls in general, I have to say how I feel about this issue. Really, its a big one in this country. I don't ignore the statistics on the Check Ups with Dr. Drew, and I have seen information supporting these statisitics in the books I read for my undergrad and grad. I just think that sex is such a sensitive issue, but I think should be talked about openly. But for now, I will stick with the TV show.
Leah: I honestly feel so bad for her. I am not sure if it is her ever growing desire for family or her desire to feel secure, but I just can't imagine her wanting more children at this time in her life. I know that she is about to give birth (or has? not sure) to her third child, but when I found out she was pregnant before hand, I just felt so horrible for her. When did girls start wanting children at the expense of their future? I am not saying she shouldn't have the child, you can read more about how I feel about that here. I am saying that she has already had to sacrifice so much. She rushed with Cory and now she is rushing with Jeremy. I know that she desperately wants her daughters to have a daddy around, but they have a daddy. What does adding another male figure do? Also, why get engaged so quickly? I could see her struggles with Cory becoming overwhelming for her. I feel like she should have waited to marry and/or get pregnant again.
Kailyn: I think Kailyn may struggle with the same as Leah. She has child with someone and that bond runs so deep. Then that person isn't in her life the way they were. Now, she's left pondering what could have been. She goes from man to man trying to find that bond, but the truth is, she won't. Her baby's father will always be there and he will always be the father. He just may not be her life partner. Why does she go chasing for that? Well, for one I think her lack of family support system leads her to find that "home" in her boyfriends/now husband Javi. I can't blame a girl for wanting that for herself. I do commend her for going and staying in school. I do think thats a positive move on her part.
Chelsea: Thank God Adam is out of that poor girl's life. What a jerk/another word I don't feel comfortable saying here. I feel like she wants Adam to be the "one" so badly. I am not exactly sure why, but again, it's that bond being parents of a child together. They will always be their daughter's parents. I think she needs to find a nice guy who is good to her and good to her daughter, and that can handle her drama. I think out of all of the girls, she is the most dramatic.
Jenelle: Seriously? Do I need to even go there? What a train wreck. Bad decision, bad decision, bad decision. And why is she moving so much? Her last home was supposed to be "stable"? How can you have stability moving every few months? I hope she gets the help she needs. She really needs it. And not from her mother, Baw-brah!
Well, I feel much better. What do you think of Teen Mom 2? Do you wanna yell at the TV as much as I do?