…Reason the Season

Posted on the 10 December 2013 by Zer @the2women

Thanks to Texas lawmakers, Christian students if Texas are no longer being censored.

Students can now freely and proudly wear their ugly Christmas sweaters and wish their fellow students a “Merry Christmas” without fear of persecution…well, at least not for the “Merry Christmas,” the ugly sweater is another issue.

Dubbed the “Merry Christmas Law,” it also allows teachers and students to sing Christmas songs and put up Christmas decorations, which includes nativity scenes.

Of course, it has to draw the line somewhere. You can’t let Christmas completely take over the month of December. Any “message that encourages adherence to a particular religion’s belief,” is strictly(ish) prohibited.

So no “convert to Christianity or burn in hell” banners can be included with the nativity scenes (I assume).

Still it’s nice to know that someone is standing up for Christmas.  In the last year, it’s almost lost some ground on its huge lead it has on Hanukkah (so few could resist the allure of Thanksgivukkah).

We can all rest easy knowing that if there ever is an actual war on Christmas, our lawmakers got a huge head start on winning it.


More on the Story: Huffington Post

…just for fun:

Countdown to Christmas Day 10: