Rebel Rebel, #1252

Posted on the 11 January 2016 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1


I was not ready for this horrible news I woke up to today.  David Bowie dead?  The tears are streaming down my face.  I know I didn’t really know him, but I feel like I lost personal friend.  I have been so intimate with his music for so many years, and it has always been a constant that when I blare Bowie music through my speakers, I’m happy.

He was just so original and never conformed to just one style.  He was rock n’ roll, punk, pop, flamboyant, real, fashionable….everything I love in music all rolled into one.  I miss those qualities in today’s music….there’s rarely anyone who just sounds fresh, and just last week, there was even more music released by David Bowie to the world.

I haven’t had a chance to listen to it yet, but I didn’t care.  A new album held the possibility of a tour.  David Bowie was my dream concert….the one that I never got to but always hoped and prayed would eventually happen.  I had my eye on his website for years…just yearning for the day I’d see him live.

I’m heartbroken today.  We didn’t just lose a legend – we lost an innovative soul, and oh – how the loss of him stings.

My song of the day is Bowie’s “Rebel Rebel.”  It was hard to pick the perfect song for this moment.  There are so many to choose from.  I think though that David Bowie’s appeal is in his rebellious nature, and I just want to send this message to the universe for him….”Hot tramp, I love you so.”