I'm not done yet but already I feel freer and lighter. That has to be positive, right?
I thought I'd share what I've done with you.
Reducing the number of fan pages I have *liked*
This morning, I realised that over the past few years, the number of FB fan pages I had *liked* totalled 223. Just ridiculous, really. No wonder my newsfeed felt so cluttered and overwhelming with information from these 223 pages streaming in, not to mention the news of my 330 friends.
It creeps up on you, doesn't it? I'm happy to follow the fan pages for my favorite blogs in the main. But sometimes, what's published there is exactly the same as what pops up in my Google Reader each day. So I'm doubling up on the same information. Not a smart move.
And then there are all the pages I've *liked* over time, often as a condition of entering a giveaway on someone's blog. The competitions end but I still end up *liking* the fan page, mostly because I forget I've done so.
My solution? Well today, I spent quite some time painfully *unliking* numerous fan pages. I couldn't find a way to do it with a bulk select so I had to do it manually. Now I'm down to 104 pages - less than half of this morning's amount. That's a good start.
I may *unlike* more in the days ahead. I'd just spent enough time on it today and needed a break. Culling the fan pages is like dental surgery - you loathe it but it's necessary.
Limiting the information in my newsfeed from my FB friends
As of this morning, this had blown out to 330. That's just plain unmanageable. Ludicrous, even. No wonder I've been feeling anxious on Facebook. My brain can't possibly absorb the incessant influx of information from so many sources. My little synapses must really be freaking out. That way madness lies!
My interim measure today has been to remove distant friends' posts from showing up in my newsfeed. You know the ones - the people you used to work with years ago but haven't spoken to since, the vague acquaintances you've had a fleeting connection with and the friends-of-friends. I didn't count how many friends' settings I altered but it was a goodly number.
But the real solution will be to cull my friends. Ooh, that sounds so harsh. But I know I have to.
Deleting the information in my information settings
I also did a tidy-up of the information my friends can see in my public profile. I've never been one to fill in every detail of my favorite interests, people, books and the like. But I still decided to cut back on the limited information I had there. I feel better now. What next?I now plan to:
- post a status update several times over the next week or so advising my friends that I am reorganising my FB use by having both personal and Life on Planet Baby blog fan pages;
- invite those who want to remain my personal FB friends to *like* that status update and/or comment on it;
- invite those who want to follow my Life on Planet Baby blog fan page to *like* it; and
- finally publish the draft Life on Planet Baby fan page I've had in mothballs for ages now. I may link my Etsy shop to it once it's up and running to avoid having a separate FB page for the shop. I'll see how I go.
If any of you are considering doing something similar, these posts are helpful:
- How to artfully cull your Facebook friends list; and
- How to trim your Facebook friends list.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on my plans and how you're handling such Facebook dilemmas. Your discussion on my last post about social media was just fascinating - I can't wait to hear your thoughts!