
Posted on the 27 February 2017 by Zer @the2women


Sorry, just wrapping up my reaction to the bizarre ending to last night’s Oscars.

No matter how accurate your Oscar predictions were if you called “Moonlight” for Best Picture…but only after the award is briefly given to “La La Land,” then there are some people at Price Waterhouse Cooper who would like to speak with you.

What a crazy night.

“La La Land,” you will always have that minute and a half…and these tweets—the Dewey defeats moment of the 21st century:

#LaLaLand wins Best Picture. #Oscarshttps://t.co/Aj0lJyxJYX pic.twitter.com/vzi7HXip5w

— CNN Entertainment (@CNNent) February 27, 2017

And the winner for best picture is #LaLaLand! #Oscars https://t.co/PAcQntTm7w pic.twitter.com/IoAQsMrjnF

— USA TODAY Life (@usatodaylife) February 27, 2017

And of course, “Moonlight,” congratulations. I hope your hearts have recovered.

And now both of you, you are grace, poise, and class incarnate and handled that moment as well as I imagine it could have possibly been handled.

Let's face it, it's kind of @jehorowitz for the win here after the Best Picture #Oscars mistake! https://t.co/Dev9dVkuRP pic.twitter.com/Qg25m1qeUY

— JustJared.com (@JustJared) February 27, 2017

Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway, there’s a Bonnie and Clyde joke to be made here:

If you've never seen the ending of Bonnie and Clyde, they just reenacted it on live TV. #Oscars

— Josh Gates (@joshuagates) February 27, 2017

But to be clear, it was not their mistake (or Emma Stone’s)…

Accountants from PriceWaterhouse stand on opposite ends of stage with an identical bag of envelopes – surprised this hasn't happened before. https://t.co/1vYjP2u8io

— Yashar (@yashar) February 27, 2017

#Envelopegate: How did the #Oscars Moonlight mix-up even happen? https://t.co/VzhrZdmPyY pic.twitter.com/yWdxUig1qH

— NBC News (@NBCNews) February 27, 2017

If you think you’re having a rough start to the week, just remember no one took your Academy Award back after 90 seconds of glory. And if that’s not enough motivation for your Monday, I don’t know what to tell you…

…bi-daily smile…
