When I get angry, frustrated or stressed, my nose glows. Like rudolph with a muffin top to drag around in place of a sleigh. Ho ho ho.
Suffice to say, I'm often sporting a red nose.
Since I am perpetually 25 years old, it is only fitting that my 25 year old red nose join the celebrations for SIDS and Kids' 25th Red Nose Day this Friday.

I can't even imagine experiencing a tragedy such as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Sadly, over 3,500 Australian families do - every single year.
In a perfect world no parent should ever have to experience SIDS. And that's what Red Nose Day is all about - funding SIDS and Kids research and support programmes.
It's good parental karma to participate. So check out this list of participating retailers, then... * when you're at the supermarket checkout and see a box of Red Nose Day themed goodies -
get one instead of a magazine or chocolate. Sure you deserve all three, but this week's
about SIDS and Kids.
* forego the muffin where you buy your coffee (a coffee that, if you're in WA like me, will
likely cost more than the red nose) and get the nose/pen/pin instead. Your hips and
your conscience will rejoice.
* stop at the box of Red Nose Day offerings in your office - buy a professional yet supportive
pen or pin. Trust me, it will totally go with your suit and tie combo. Red is the new black.
* when your kids ask for a treat, skip the ice cream or toys and grab them a red nose each
instead. What kid doesn't like playing dress ups? Tell them it's clown dress ups today.
Then get online and show your supprt for Red Nose Me. Harvey Norman are donating $25,000 once 25,000 images have been uploaded.

If you see me out and about on Friday sporting a redder nose than usual, you have my permission to honk it. And no, that's totally not a metaphor.
For their part, The Feral Threesome will be subject to extra fierce cuddles all day, followed by participating in the Red Nose Day Colouring in Competition while I show my support via appropriately coloured red wine.