Red, Sexy, Sporty

Posted on the 24 September 2012 by Gandbblog @GandBblog
I am not going to lie. I am high on life right now!
This may have something to do with it...
It may also be the Big Grab bag of Cheddar Sour Cream chips I am eating right now. (It's that time and these things are tasting like pure heaven right now.) I forgot how good they are!
I cannot believe this is my new car! I am so blessed and beyond excited to have a vehicle that gets 40 MPG! I am still testing it out, but I have been driving slower and wiser to really conserve my fuel. I suggest everyone else on the highway do the same. And, p.s. stop trying to run me over. I am trying to conserve people! Doesn't anyone care?! Probs not. It's all good. 
I am also happy for my hubs who got to take over my ex-car, the Scion XA. Also, good gas mileage, also slightly girly. I am so proud of my secure man. He doesn't care if my pink monogrammed initials are still rockin it on the rear windshield. I know he digs it! 
We also were able to sell my hubs' truck, transfer my title in his name, pay off said ex-car and purchase my new car all in one day! Talk about it being a God thing. The truck was on Craigslist for all of a week and sold fast. We were both thrilled. Not to mention I got a great deal on my new car and purchased it all by myself. This is a first for me. I cannot wait to drive this cutie until her wheels fall off. Until then, I am going to keep her clean, shiny, and lubed. Did I just say, lubed? I mean like oil, ya know?
 Moving on. 
We are nearly set mentally, anyway, for our big move to Alabama in 3 weeks! I am so ready to rearrange, decorate, organize, etc. I really think this move will motivate us to get back to what's important. Not to mention, I am excited for fall being here and the cooler temps. This will be great for moving. I am praying for 80 degrees or less that day! 
So, in spirit of these great things, I am going to make another blogger's day! If your name is Ashley and you blog at Life as I know It, you have won a free custom 'About' sidebar for your little bloggie by The Kinch Life Designs. You go girl! it will look so great on your yellow and gray blog! I am slightly partial though...I am going to be emailing you today. Congratulations! 
Have a wonderful Monday people! And hang tight, Tuesday is on it's way.