Diaries Magazine

Reenergized, Motivated and Excited for the Future!

Posted on the 02 October 2012 by Jamie Gall @50states50wines

On Sunday I partook in an all day women’s conference (BLP ConnectHER.)  After the conference I came home and felt so energized and motivated to put myself out there, try some new things, and really think about my blog and the direction I wanted to go in.

It’s a good thing.

This was my first Women’s Conference I’ve attended since my college days.  I had no idea what to expect, even if I was in the right place, or how to even sell myself.

After going to this conference, I have a new attitude.  I recognize the value I do offer to others in my writing, in my promoting, in my networking.

But the thing I walked away from the conference the most was this:  This blog is my story.  This is me.  This is my voice.  I should be proud of it when I talk to other people.  I should have the confidence when it comes to talking to others because this blog, in a sense, is my baby!

Throughout the day I thought about my vision for my blog, and the direction I want to go next.  I thought hard.

So ideas for the year ahead:

Keep Reviewing Food Items: Working in the grocery retail industry I have a passion for new food items, and helping to get the word out about it.

Photography: I love photography, I continue to learn, and if I can continue to help others in this avenue I want to.  I am also throwing ideas in my head about possibly starting some Photo Walking Tours.  This is just the beginning.

Travel, Travel, Travel: It’s my passion.  Exploring around LA, attending fun events, it’s honestly my life.  I was asked today how I find out about some of the things I do, so I may have to start putting together a list of events happening around town each week to help others, or top ten lists of things to do in and around LA and the Orange County.

Wine: My love of wine will never go away.  It will never stop.  This is just the beginning, and I will continue to network, support local wineries, and just, in the grand scheme of things, have fun!

Book Reviews: The thing I love about book reviews is the fact that I always loved reading, but the older I get the harder I found it was to do, so by doing book reviews it’s keeping me motivated to read.  I love this whole concept so I will continue to write them.

And a few other ideas I’ve been throwing around in my head.  I keep thinking about how I would be as a speaker.  I would love to give a talk sometime on the topic of blogging, on the topic of photography, something in which I can help others.  This is HUGE for me to admit this.

And I’m going to keep pushing myself outside of my box.  Yesterday was the first v-log I did, and I had fun with it.  At the conference I was actually asked to sit in front of a video camera.  I was so nervous about it, and overwhelmed but I still talked myself into it, and I did it.  I took that motivation and came home and decided to do it on my own blog.  Whether or not more v-logs will happen down the road… well, that’s a work in progress.

So…. I’m loving this new found motivation ;)


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