Diaries Magazine

Reflecting – R U OK?

Posted on the 12 September 2012 by Meltingmoments

Today I find myself in a very reflective mood after learning yesterday, that my friend’s husband took his own life. They were high school sweethearts whose relationship I always admired, especially when I was young and single. Today my heart is hurting for her, knowing that she is left to raise two small children without their dad.

Last night, my husband and baby were hugged just that extra bit tighter and told a few more times how much I love them. My husband and I talked about the importance of sharing our feelings. We are lucky as this is something we have always managed to do.

Tomorrow, Thursday 13th September is R U OK? Day here in Australia. It’s a timely reminder that we need to reach out and sincerely connect with our friends, family and community.

R U OK? Day is a national day of action dedicated to inspiring all Australians to ask family, friends and colleagues, ‘Are you ok?’ By regularly reaching out to one another and having open and honest conversations, we can all help build a more connected community and reduce our country’s high suicide rate. 

You don’t have to be an expert to support someone going through a tough time. You just need to be able to listen to their concerns without judgment and take the time to follow up with them.

Who will you ask?

Reflecting – R U OK?

The R U OK website has a guide to help you start the conversation: Simple steps to ask R U OK?

It’s okay to say you’re not OK and there is support out there for you. Steps for how to say I’m not OK.

If you need immediate assistance or support, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 794 991, talk to a medical professional or someone you trust.

Crisis Support Links and Contacts:

R U OK Day Crisis Support Links and Contacts
Beyond Blue www.beyondblue.org.au
Black Dog Institute  www.blackdoginstitute.com.au

Reflecting – R U OK?

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