Regress, Because Progress is Too Mainstream

Posted on the 20 November 2013 by Shruti2910
We Indians are very cool. We never do Mainstream. While rest of the world thinks of progressing, we are setting a new trend - Regression. 
Here are top personalities of our nation who are the game-players of the regressive India: 
A) "Desh ke Yuva Neta - Rahul Gandhi"You remember Sarabhai vs. Sarabhai? Roshesh? That!
Roshesh Sarabhai was a parody of Rahul Gandhi. Ok, vice-versa. No, wait. Whatever.
Also there is a reason why this point is written in Pink. Haha just saying.
Advice: Don't let this fair-skinned, cute-dimpled Roshesh Rahul fool you. He is just 5 years younger to my dad.
The only thing whatsapp can do to beat BBM and WeChat in emoji race is to introduce a new emo - Rahul Gandhi 

The only difference between Rahul Gandhi and Roshesh is that RG can never be that funny! 

B) Mitron..

y u do dis Mudi? 

The reason why he doesn't have a lady in his life is because he has Mitro-zoned everyone in the world.
Everytime he goes around to ask for votes, he addresses the audience with Mitron, so ideologically, he believes in friends-with-benefits funda.
This "Mitron" fame just 5 year younger to my grand-father and they call him 'Youth Icon'. He is also a wannabe PM of our nation.
He takes credit for EVERYTHING! 
His recently acclaimed super-power is to MODIfy all chapters of history of India but his supporters think it is wise to let-go of his-past-story and make him PM.
Write anything against him on Social media and brrr....its Error 404: Forbidden to write anything against Modi!
He is a political leader with highest number of followers on Twitter but the sad part is all this followers have 'egg' DPs and 0 tweets.
His recently discovered hobby is spying on women for their protection.
C) Theek Hai? 

If you do not know what am talking about already, you are already missing a lot of national fun! 

Like Kapil is so known for his "Babaji ka Thullu", we have our very own "Theek hai" fame, Prime Minister of our nation, Manmohan Singh! Ask me why would I call him Punjab da sher and I would spill on! I mean, doesn't it take guts to face the nation on television condemning  a heinous rape incident and ending the speech with Theek Hai?
He is a pseudo mime. He doesn't really speak usually and whenever he does, he makes sure he makes all of us laugh! 

D) 1...2...3...STATUE!

If there is someone who has surpassed the obsession of statues after the Mitron fame, is her. 
Statues are the only erections in her life. JK.
She loves wearing garlands which are usually not made up of flowers and likes men going down on her. No not that way. The other way. She didn't discover Instagram years back and hence she made sure her selfies are stuck everywhere across the state. And by everywhere, I literally mean everywhere. 
Irony committed suicide after she joined Ramdev Baba along with Sharad Pawar to eliminate corruption from India. 
Her USP? Cntrl+All+ Dalit.
She is Mayawati. 
E) I am an IITian and IIMite. Implies,I am a writer.

My heart actually breaks when I see his books in 'Classics' section of Crossword.He got out of IIT, wrote a book. Hit. He came out of IIM, wrote a book. Hit.
Now this is the reason why I say India is regressing. What has even happened to readers?They say never judge a book by its cover. But I do, if it has Chetan Bhagat written on it. Not that he is a horrible writer, which he is, but he is also an unlucky guy. He is often seen accidentally tweeting random things to people, often political and in OP-eds which eventually turns into "chutkula" section for most of us.
The frequency has become so frequent that even if he makes sense, people mock. With success, comes detractors! But the point is, let's not keep his books in 'Classics' section please?

F) "Desh ki Yuva Pidhi ab jaag chuki hai"

There is always one friend in all our group who smirks an hour before exam with "mujhe toh sab aata hai" and scores peanuts. That's over confidence.
Then there is a bunch of people who have access to smart phones and then Facebook, Twitter and Opinions and suddenly start serving the nation on the basis of Social Media presence and Speeches by people like A, B, C, D and E, but will smirk while reading a post like this and umm...also elect them.
I'll quote Rumani Trivedi, a friend of mine who has a very interesting opinion,
"There are 3 groups of people in the youth category:
1. They don't care.2. Get easily influenced by others. Be it the leaders or peer or media.3. They are aware but have no faith in government and hence either work at a personal level by joining an NGO or making films etc etc.... or sit back and make useless satirical comments and act like a lazy know it all.Basically youth is too energetic and aggressive... but dont know where to channelize their energy.."
And then, end up contributing greatly to regressive India.
P.S. Views/Jokes are personal. And all the characters mentioned herein are real and bear full resemblance to their real existence.