
Posted on the 03 April 2015 by Zer @the2women

Well guys, it’s happening, the Hunger Games theme park of your dreams? (I’m going with nightmares on this one.) I’ve shared my thoughts on a Hunger Games theme park before, way back when the park was mere rumors, but now the odds are definitely in its favor.

It’s happening, it’s happening soon (2016), and it’s happening in Dubai.

I will continue to be baffled by its existence. I don’t see the appeal. The books are great. I love the movies (and J. Law…is she contractually obligated to attend the park opening? Is she contractually obligated to act like it’s not weird that there’s a Hunger Games park opening?).

There is one detail that gives me hope (at least I think it’s hope), the entire park will not be dedicated to Panem and its annual killing competition. There will be a Step Up stage show, you know right next door to the arena, because you’re going to need a pick-me-up after an hour or two in a theme park based on an apocalyptic wasteland. Just tell me it’s not a dance competition show.

May the odds be ever in your favor break dancers.

EW: Hunger Games theme park officially a go for 2016

…bi-daily smile…

…just to be fair: