Diaries Magazine

Relatively Easy Ways to Modernise a Room

Posted on the 13 February 2019 by Mummyb @mummyb_kw
If some of your rooms are looking a bit dated and you do not have a lot of cash available for decorating, do not worry. There are plenty of relatively easy and affordable to ways to update your home.
Relatively Easy Ways to Modernise a Room

Update your skirting boards

My first suggestion is a slightly unusual one. But, I promise you that changing your skirting boards can make a huge difference to the way a room looks. So, the next time you update your flooring it is worth considering buying modern skirting boards from skirtingsrus.co.uk. They sell a huge range of styles in both finished and un-finished formats. You will be pleasantly surprised by how affordable their products are.

Replace your soft furnishings

Updating your soft furnishings is a really easy job. All you need to do is to go online and order what you need. Once everything arrives it will take you minutes to change your cushions, throws, rugs etc. If you are working with a really tight budget just wait for the sales. Or, you could see if you can use your craft skills to update the soft furnishings that you already own.

Incorporate the latest color palette into your rooms

Redecorating a room from top to bottom in the latest color palette can work out expensive. Fortunately, you do not have to do this every time the trend changes.
Typically, home decor color trends evolve gradually. For example, currently, white tones are giving way to softer earthy tones like tan or light brown. This means that you can get away with just repainting a few elements in a room to bring it up to date. You could, for example, paint one wall in the latest colours and maybe update your ornaments to bring things up to date a bit.

Change the look of your furniture

One of the biggest expenses households face when redecorating is buying new items of furniture. Fortunately, there are ways around this issue. Here are just a few of them.

Replace your handles

Replacing the knobs and handles on your drawers and doors is a quick, simple and inexpensive job. Yet, it can make a huge difference to how modern your furniture looks.

Change the color of your furniture

With the right know how it is relatively easy to change the color of a piece of furniture so that it fits in better with your new look. Re-upholstering a dining room chair is not hard to do. Typically, it will only take you about half an hour to give this type of chair a fresh new look.
Most items of furniture can be painted, which means that you can easily change the color and finish. You can find plenty of tutorials online. But, before painting your favorite chest of drawers it is a good idea to practice on something that you do not mind ruining. Or, you could pick up something for you to practice on. These days, a lot of people give furniture away just to get rid of it. Just check out local newspapers, shop windows and classified ad sites like Craigslist to find what you need.
K Elizabeth xoxox
*Collaborative Post

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