
Posted on the 12 September 2013 by Zer @the2women

Today is a tough day.  For the past 12 years, this day has served as a memory of what happened on September 11, 2001.  Nearly 3,000 people were killed, and our country was changed forever.

Those of us who witnessed the events of that day, whether first hand or by television, will never forget the horror, sadness and anger we felt that day.  

This year, more than ever, it’s important for us to remember how that day changed us.  Many of the changes were good.  Inspired by tales of true heroism and selfless individuals, we were reminded of what is really important.

However, some of the change was ugly.  Blinded by our anger, we lashed out.  We had been attacked, and we wanted justice, even if we didn’t know who had attacked us or why.

All these years later, we still haven’t forgotten the hurt of that day, but we have learned from what came after.  We can only hope that we continue to remember.


More on the Story: USA Today