Remember the Time the Sun Flipped?

Posted on the 17 August 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

Sometimes, the magnetic field of the sun changes its polarity.  It’s a very normal part of it’s natural cycle and happens every 11 years.

We’re due for another flip this year– around November or December– and most people won’t notice a thing out of place.  I, on the other hand, will be watching the universe very carefully.

The last two times the sun’s polarity switched, it heralded major changes in my life.  I know it sounds like nonsense, but I believe.  “You can call it faith, you can call it angels, you can call it whatever you want.”

All I know is that I need to be ready for something new.

The first solar flip I survived moved me out of a big city and into a town that could fit in a thimble.  The second solar flip thrust me out of high school into the real world.  In both cases, everything about my life had to change to accommodate for the new things.   My house, my friends, my pets, my hair– everything was different.

I’m not very good with change.

Just last week, my favorite local American diner switched the style of coffee mugs that they’ve used for the last decade.  I spent my meal picking at my food begrudgingly and recovering from shock.  They didn’t provide me with any valid reasons for this switch, so clearly, I was justified in taking it personally.

This is a Denny’s mug. No other mug, even one with the Denny’s logo on it, will ever seem MORE like a Denny’s mug to me than this one right here.

In 3 months, or maybe a year, or maybe 4 years, I’ll look back at this post and barely remember what old mugs at Denny’s looked like at all– but next week, on my birthday, for the first time in years, I probably will not go there for eggs.  Staring into the coffee-shaped carnage of my memories would be too unpleasant for such a day.

I wish I could say that my overreaction to a few ounces of cheap porcelain and mediocre coffee has been dramatized for blog fodder, but the truth is that I struggle with change.  Society calls it a flaw, but I feel like it’s just the opposite end of the part of me that finds perfection in everything as it is.

  • You are beautiful, just as you are.
  • Everything we did today was truly important.
  • The world is a wondrous place, if you know how to look at it.
  • Good things are around the corner, because the universe is perfectly positioned for greatness.

I can rattle off ten thousand more of those affirmations because I truly believe them.   The problem comes in when you start thinking– if the sun flips, will it sour our journey to greatness? If something is different, will it automatically be equal to or more than in regards to beauty and importance?

If my cup is suddenly 3 ounces bigger, how much faster do I have to drink my coffee to have it deliciously warm the whole way through?

Every time something changes on me, I feel like I’ve been trapped on the edge of a cliff that is about to collapse.  I can grip on and be pulled down, or I can give into l’appel du vide and jump.  There’s no going back because there’s no “back” to go to.

Tomorrow is a siren’s song, calling me away from today.  My friends, my family– they’re all jumpers.  I look into the void of the unknown, and listen– but I don’t hear what they hear.  It’s not that I see darkness beyond.  It’s just that nothing calls me to jump.

All I want to do is claw my nails into the dirty ground and force time to drag me down, kicking and screaming.

Change is everywhere, and someone like me who needs advanced notice, takes any cues they can get from the cosmos.  It’s true that I could be overreacting to a bit of small science, and for all I know, this polarity switch won’t herald anything bigger than a slightly bigger cup of coffee.

But, just in case, I’ll be watching.


How are you with change?  What was going on in your life 11 years ago, or 11 years before that… or 11 years before that?

Since it’s no rules time everywhere, I’m linking this everywhere.

  • Nostalgia for the last few 11 year cycles, and diner mugs, for “Remember the time…”
  • A little about thoughts on l’appel du vide for my Prompts for the Promptless.
  • A small “So what?” for YeahWrite.

I suggest making the time to check out the others who linked up.  They are AWESOME. Guaranteed.