Resilience…when Did We Lose It?

Posted on the 27 September 2014 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand


From my first September as a blogger…

Originally posted on The Burned Hand:

At some point in your life, you started to take things to heart.  You might not remember the exact moment, but you did not bounce back as quickly from things.  It could have been something that happened with your health (I understand), or perhaps just life’s stressful moments.  You no longer are able to maintain the buoyancy you once had in life.  In fact, there are times you feel yourself needing a life jacket and the water is only up to your knees.

How do you handle these times?  One thing that actually helps me is to offer advice to others.  It helps me to remember that I can make a difference in someone’s life and that they do count on me to bring them up.  It might work slowly at first, like putting swimmies on in a rip current, but it’s a start.  Help your friend see ways they…

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